Get your finances on track with the gorgeous new Money! Your day-to-day finance management will no longer be a chore with the beautiful and comprehensive suite of powerful features that is Money!
Oversee and control your accounts, plan budgets, easily generate informative reports, and schedule transactions - everything will be updated across your devices via iCloud. Money fits right in with the latest Macs, iPads, or iPhones adopting all of the cutting-edge features and presents them in a sleek and intuitive interface.
You can now try Money out for free and see if its right for you!
Feature overview:
Convenient income and expense tracking
• Multiple account types (bank, cash, credit card, loan, investment, etc.)
• Support for multiple currencies and cryptocurrencies with automatic rate updates
• Reconciliation of accounts and individual transactions
• Automated payee and category discovery
• Transfer and split payments
• Easily assign tags, take notes, and add attachments
Easy budget planning
• Advanced budget categories with custom periods
• Amount averages to help set realistic budget limits
• Easy progress tracking of budget categories
• Nothing gets past you - unbudgeted items are also accounted for
• Easily track budget by accounts, transfers, tags
Smart scheduler
• User-friendly planning of income, expenses, and transfers
• Easy handling of recurring transactions such as utility bills or loan payments
• Quick access to pending scheduled transactions
• One-click payment capability
• Convenient calendar view for improved usability
Rich reports
• 15 different report types
• Super-easy and powerful parameters to customize reports
• Beautiful visual representation of data using colorful charts and graphs
• Various report sharing capabilities
Investment tracking
• Easy profit/loss tracking for your portfolio or individual stocks
• Automated downloads of dividends and splits
• Constantly updated values
• Visual representation of current and historic values of portfolio and individual stocks
• User-friendly addition and management of stocks
• Automatic discovery of stock data
• Simple and intuitive setup
• Secure data synchronization between devices
• Extra layer of security in case of device loss
• Modern UI
• 64-bit architecture
• 3D Touch support
• Touch ID
• Notification Center Widget
• Split-screen multitasking on macOS and iOS
• Local data backups to keep your data safe
• Direct Downloads (available on Mac, coming soon to iOS!)